Since 1st September 2014, research group, consisting of scientists from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB) and Faculty of Economics (EFST), University of Split, and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Engineering (FSR), University of Mostar, works on scientific project of development of smart and innovative factory, funded byCroatian Science Foundation (HRZZ). Main aim of this project is development of Croatian model of Innovative Smart Enterprise (HR-ISE model).
Name: Innovative Smart Enterprise
Acronym (code): INSENT (1353)
Funding: HRZZ
Project leader: Prof. Ivica Veža, Ph.D.
Partners: FESB Split, EFST Split, FSR Mostar
Project Start-date: 01.09.2014
Project Finish-date: 31.08.2018
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Industry 4.0: Smart Factory
The first three industrial revolutions came about as a result of mechanization, electricity and IT. Now, the introduction of the Internet of Things and Services into the manufacturing environment is ushering in a fourth industrial revolution: Industry 4.0. This new type of industry is based on Smart Factory model.
The embedded manufacturing systems are vertically networked with business processes within enterprises and horizontally connected to the dispersed value networks. Smart Factories allow individual customer requirements to be met and mean that even one-off items can be manufactured profitably. In Industry 4.0, dynamic business and engineering processes enable last-minute changes to production and deliver the ability to respond flexibly to disruptions and failures on behalf of suppliers, for example. Hence, the main features of Smart Enterprise can be summarized into the following:
- Smart personalized product – requires flexibility and high level of ICT integration into manufacturing;
- Product and service provider – ability to offer extended products: product and service integrated into single, or to be manufacturing service provider;
- High level of collaboration – requires high level of ICT integration to support collaborative product development, and collaborative manufacturing.
Project objectives
Every global manufacturer has its unique manufacturing system (Toyota, Daimler, Bosch, etc), and some countries are developing their own unique enterprise model, like Germany – Industry 4.0. Model is aligned with their vision, strategy, values and culture. Republic of Croatia hasn’t developed its own model of enterprise.
The main objective of this project is to develop Croatian model of Innovative Smart Enterprise (HR-ISE model). The aim is to perform model’s regional fit, i.e. to harmonize Innovative Smart Enterprise model with specific regional way of thinking, manufacturing and organizational tradition, and specific education. HR-ISE model could help Croatian enterprises to bridge the gap between their competencies and EU enterprises’ competencies and capabilities.
Expected results
The development of Croatian model of Innovative Smart Enterprise (HR-ISE model) and its transfer to economy can have strong impact on recovery of Croatian industry.
HR-ISE model can significantly improve competencies and capabilities of Croatian enterprises to make them more competitive on EU market.
Additionaly, Learning Factory will be established at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. It will be a living lab with HR-ISE model implemented and a place for knowledge transfer from University to economy.